Update #8

Friends and family,

Dad’s sixth surgery took place yesterday (Friday) and lasted just under four hours. The doctors replaced the cadaver grafts they had placed the previous week and said his tissue beds are progressing well. It is possible they will begin grafting with his own skin as early as next week. They will focus on his chest and abdomen first. This area (and the legs) represents the largest burn area, so getting them healthy first is critical to his recovery.

We do want to mention that all of dad’s burns are severe. In all areas, the doctors had to excise down to muscle. This means he has no fat, which will impact him both cosmetically and functionally. Again, we are grateful that dad is in such capable hands – we know that everything possible is being done for him.

The eyelid grafts have taken well and the surgeon is pleased with their progress. The rest of his face they covered in pig skin, which acts as a biological bandage and protects him as his own skin heals. It is possible he won’t have to have grafts on his face, but only time will tell.

The worst news we have to report is that doctors amputated Dad’s fingers. All ten were amputated to some extent. The thumb on his left hand and the first finger on his right hand are completely gone. The rest of his fingers they took off at either the first (five fingers) or second knuckle (three fingers). The doctor spent a lot of time with us discussing functionality and some of the occupational and surgical procedures that can be done to increase his level of function as he gets healthier.

His vitals remain quite good and he handled the surgery well. One of the surgeons told us he is the “healthiest sick person in the ICU”. Quite a badge of honor!

We are happy that hospital staff took dad off the ventilator for a short time today. We are super proud of him. Although he is still heavily sedated and in the medically induced coma, it is great that he is now able to breathe on his own. This is a big step in keeping lung function healthy, and preventing ventilator acquired pneumonia. They left him off the ventilator for an hour and a half, and then put him back on so he can rest. Each day they will increase the amount of time he is off, until he can come off the ventilator completely.

Many of you have written us emails and notes supporting not only dad but us as well. We can’t thank you enough for this continued support. Even though we have not had time to respond to each of your notes, please know we read them all and appreciate your thoughts more than we can adequately say in any post or email. We have been touched by all the thoughtfulness, and are comforted that dad has such a strong network to help him make it through this. Thank you!

Colin and Ian

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11 Responses to Update #8

  1. Frank Gary says:

    We continue to pray for Colin’s recovery and admire the strength of the family. The udates from this site are being passed on to the Prescott Victory Riders. The Prescott Victory Riders will be represented at the Saturday June 4 Ride and that night an American Cancer Society Poker Party will be donating half the proceeds to Colin. In addition, the National Victory Meet in August will also donate to Colin’s cause.
    Frank, President Prescott Victory Riders

  2. Kitty Campbell says:

    Colin and Ian
    I realize how hard it must for you all to put into words all the things you have shared in the updates. they are greatly appreciated. You both are in our prayers, as well as your dad.
    Colin, keep on fighting the good fight. The good lord has a plan for you. Be blessed
    Know that we love you and miss you.

  3. Janet Kuznicki says:

    You are still in my prayers and constantly on my mind. May God Bless the hands of your caregivers and watch over you.

    Love you

  4. Larry Kimmel (Smokey) says:

    My Dear Friend, I pray for you every day. I know the Lord is at your side keeping watch. He has always been with you and will not leave your side no matter what. I pray that Jesus will heal your wounds and bring you back to us. I miss you not being with us at Tuesday morning breakfast at the Airport. There is an empty seat waiting for you when you are able to come join us again. Don’t worry about the tea, I’ve got it covered my friend. Love you Brother. Smokey

  5. Faye Collacott says:

    Sending prayers and healing energy to Colin Sr. and what you both need to keep you strong. Faye

  6. Barb Britten says:

    Thank you for your continued report on Colin’s progress. Thoughts and prayers are sure with him for all he is going through. Thank heavens the coma can mask this interminable time for him. So many obsticles to climb but he is up to the challenge, I know. He is blessed with 2 great sons, that’s evident! Blessings on you all!

  7. Paul & Sandee Larson says:

    Dear Colin, Ian and Colin II:

    We are so extremely grateful for the continued updates. They help more than you can imagine. As a nurse, I’m aware of the spoken and unspoken medical complexities of your father’s injuries and my heart is in pieces for all of you. Prayers, prayers, prayers!!

    To Colin Sr. : Our dear, darling friend of the heart. No matter the physical distance from MI to AZ, and only seeing each other rarely, our contact is always heartfelt and meaningful. Our emotional bond is unbreakable. You are such a huge part of who I became while working in Detroit with you in the late 80’s-early 90’s. You took this bashful country woman under your wing and showed me how to mingle with the public no matter who or where they were, in the BIG city 🙂 You nicknamed me “Wife #2” and it stuck!! Then you became friends with my Paulee and we began a lifetime circle of friendship!!

    Colin, you are one of a kind and we are so blessed to know you. Such an inspiration, such a comedian, even in your/our darkest times. We’ve always been able to tell each other ANYTHING and have worried & prayed for each other during each of our times of personal and medical strife. Such unsolicited support. Know that our love and prayers continue across the miles.

    We’ve welcomed your visits here and you were such a wonderful host to Paul when he came to AZ on his bike. Pictures are worth a trillion words and I will post some in your gallery soon! In the meantime, know that we love you. We are with you in spirit and pray you can feel our love.

    May God bless you and your loving sons, with His strength, comfort and peace, as you continue along this monumental road to recovery.

    All our love, Paul & Sandee (Wife #2)

    Psalm 23: A psalm of David which I recite nearly every night when I am troubled…from me to you:

    1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
    2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
    he leads me beside quiet waters,
    3 he refreshes my soul.
    He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
    4 Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
    I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

    5 You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
    6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
    and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

  8. Dea Kay Dorman says:

    Your Dad has a lot of strength to endure all that he is going through. I give much praise for the provision of a wonderful hospital staff and skills doctors to provide him with the excellent care he is being given. Not a day goes by where I am not praying for your father and your family and sending praises up for all of the progress in his recovery! I cannot even begin to fathom how difficult this must be! I know a lot is lost and I pray for your father’s continued strength to overcome this! Sending you our love!

  9. Rick says:

    So glad to hear he has been off the ventilator for even a short time, that is a BIG step and hopefully but the first of many he will take in the coming months. Rest assured he knows you are all there and it comforts him more than you know. He (and the three of you) will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

    Hang in there…

    Rick Gunder

  10. Janet Kuznicki says:

    Colin, Ian and Ann.

    I’m happy to hear Colin is doing as well as he is. He is so lucky to have great sons like you both. Your father will be in my prayers constantly as well as for you.

    May God hold Colin in his arms to comfort him and place his gentle hands over his grafts to heal them. May he place the other hand on his head so he will rest knowing that we all love him. In Gods name we pray. Amen

    Colin I will be here if you need me.

    Love you

  11. Heather and Rick Hinson says:

    Glad to hear Colin came through the surgery so well. I know the many prayers said in his behalf have made a difference in his recovery. He is fortunate to have you two there, and we continue to pray for you during this time as well.

    God bless you all. Hugs and love,
    Heather and Rick

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